
Showing posts from April, 2021


Acne vulgaris ( Pimples)  Acne vulgaris is clinically well known term for pimples, which is faced by most of the youngsters regardless of gender.  The sebaceous glands are sebum secreting( oil) glands which keep our skin moist and supple . The excessive stimulation of these glands cause hyper secretion of sebum and make look your skin more oily.  The oil can clog the minute pores of your skin and can cause inflammation by  bacterias such as Propionibacterium and give rise to Acne .  And the Acne on your skin resembles various disorderedness in your body. And here are they ; The healthy nature of your internal organs can be predicted too...  Now lets see most of us think that acne is a common term for all type of different skin inflammations and the fact is not . There are types of acne. So on your acne belongs to which category then?  1.Blackheads   filled with excess oil and dead skin cells due to clogged pores on your skin.  2. Whiteheads ...
 We are back to give more knowledge about our indigenous medicine. And stay tuned for more updates