Acne vulgaris ( Pimples)
Acne vulgaris is clinically well known term for pimples, which is faced by most of the youngsters regardless of gender.
The sebaceous glands are sebum secreting( oil) glands which keep our skin moist and supple . The excessive stimulation of these glands cause hyper secretion of sebum and make look your skin more oily.
The oil can clog the minute pores of your skin and can cause inflammation by bacterias such as Propionibacterium and give rise to Acne .
And the Acne on your skin resembles various disorderedness in your body. And here are they ;
The healthy nature of your internal organs can be predicted too...
Now lets see most of us think that acne is a common term for all type of different skin inflammations and the fact is not . There are types of acne. So on your acne belongs to which category then?
filled with excess oil and dead skin cells due to clogged pores on your skin.
2. Whiteheads
They are stayed more closer to skin surface. It occurs when oil prevents opening of clogged pores.
Red/ Pink bumps on your skin .
Pus filled inflammed pimple
with red rings .
5. Cyst
Painful nodules similar to boils
Let’s see the causes of this acne:-
1. Bacteria
3. Dead skin cells
4. Ingrown hair
5. Dandruff
6. High warm / hot climate
7. Dairy products
8. Sweets and carbs
9. Birth control pills
Hormonal fluctuation is another major cause for acne. It usually starts to appera after puberty, around 12 to 21 yrs.
Then what do Siddha and Ayurvedha tell about acne?
Vadha, Pitta, Kapha Dhosa are 3 important humours of our body which should be in balanced state to yield a healthy life.
Vadha dhosha resembles dryness and air. If this is effected; The skin gets dry and prickling pain is sensible.
Pitta Dhosa is hot and fiery. The acne which is caused by Pitta dhosha appear to be red or copper colour in nature with occurence of oozing.
Kapha is heavy and watery. Which imbalance makes your skin to look more oily .
So what next , in this post we would like to give some tips that you can easily pick up as your daily habits to get rid of acne and prevent from them.
These tips are also useful in management of mild to moderate acne.
- Have adequate amount of water. It is advisable to drink 3 L of water per day to control your body heat.
- Siddha medicine advises , to cut down your meals into 2 parts in a day .Have fresh fruits and juices frequently by avoiding oily and prepared meals. Continue this for minimum 10 days for better results.
- Being hygienic. Use personal towels, pillows, comb and soaps. Make sure that you regularly wash them.
- Try to get rid of constipation as it can build heat on your body.
- Keep your scalp healthy and clean. And you know dandruff is a major threat . It’s better to wash your pillow covers daily. Get rid of dirt and oily.
- You can prevent pimples by regular steaming but it is advisable that if your pimples are worse try to avoid steaming
- Keep your skin clean and oil free. Wash your face frequently to avoid more oiliness.
But too much dry skin can also cause pimples. So make sure you are applying good moisturiser after washing your face with a mild soap.
- Be aware about your cosmetics. Not all advertisements tell the actual truth. Select a product which is suitable for your skin type.
Pat dry your face with towel rather than rubbing. Rubbing can cause wrinkles and scars on your face. Use facial tissues for better results.
And last not the least , Do yoga and exercise to increase the blood circulation of your body from head to toe. Regular practice can aid you to heal the dead skin cells and make sure that your all body cells get oxygen.
There are some easy yoga poses which you can practice regularly to avoid and get rid of acne. These poses increase blood circulation throughout your body.
1. Uttanasana/ Standing forward bend
2. Viparita karani/ Legs up the wall pose
3. Kapal bati pranayama
4. Veerbhadra asana/ Warrior pose
5. Janu sirasana/ Head to knee pose
Fruit for acne
Papaya :-
Papaya contains digestive enzymes called Papain which do effectiveness to your skin:-
Benefits of papaya:-
- Exfoliate dead skin cells.
- Hydrates skin
- Fades acne scars
- Prevent breakouts
- Unclog pores
Nutrients in Papaya
- Vitamin A,C and K
- B vitamins including folate.
- Potassium
- Magnesium
- Calcium
Drink papaya juice regularly for spectacular beautiful skin.
Most people misunderstand that application of lemons on your skin reduces pimples. But the fact is not . It might increases severity by causing excessive dryness if you use it excessively. Be cautious about that.
Then finally try to neglect oily , dairy, fast foods for faster better results.
May this hurts you......
Finally i would like to remind you:)
The moon and stars don’t glow as bright as your eyes : you are extremely beautiful. The beauty is a lighted heart.
Do shine as your spirit resembles you ❤️
In this post we glad to give some solutions for acne. For more updates visit our blogspot page .
For quick remedies here’s the video from Eubenpassion . Thank you https://youtube.com/watch?v=C3Zhz2fU5YI&feature=share