Heal with Tea ☕️

  After the place of water , the most widely consumed beverages in the world is Tea. 


Tea that’s an aromatic , energy charged drink which stimulate the taste buds to bring joy and relax your mind. 

Flowers bring delight and peace to your mind . The aroma of most flowers cherish the moment and bring extra more contentment. 

If so, the combination of both these occur at the same time in beautiful tea pots. 
Wouldn’t be a heaven? 

If you are cold tea will warm you, If you are too heated , it will cool you. If you are depressed it will clear you, If you are excited it will calm you .      
                         - William Eward Gladstone

  There are different types of flower teas. And in this section we are glad to present some of these preparations with their medicinal benefits. 

The dried flower petals or the whole flowers are used in these preparations. 
The dried flower petals are crushed and soaked in hot water for a while.
 Filtering this mixture and adding honey and lemon  brings additional taste and delight. 


These flowers are easy to grow in your home garden . The world moves towards the nature and do we? 

1. Chrysanthemum Tea. 

  • Relieve flatulence, stomach pain and bowel issues. 
  • Act as sedative and tonic .

2. Rose tea

Polyphenols and antioxidants in rose tea reduce the risk of heart diseases, diabetes, obesity and cognitive diseases. 

  • Clear toxins from the body.
  • Helps to get relief from periods cramps and infertility. 
  • Relieve insomnia and depression. 
  • Re establish the normal bacterial activity in intestines. 
  • Vitamin C -relief from sore throats
  • Weight loss due to less calories comparative to your favourite black tea. 
3. Hibiscus tea

  • Reduces blood pressure 
  • Prevent hypertension 
  • Reduces blood sugar level and period cramps. 
  • Flavonoids in this tea give laxatives property and help to overcome constipation.
  • Reduces body heat.
  • Relaxing mind and aid to fight with stress and anxiety. 
4. Jasmine tea 

  • Relieve discomfort and joint pain. 
  • Improves digestion and weight loss
  • Reduces the risk of heart diseases.
  • Maintain blood sugar level and cholesterol level in a set level. 
  • Helps to fight stress and anxiety.
5.Cassia auriculata / Senna tea

  • Great remedy to treat diabetes.
  • Natural source of  antioxidants
  • Strengthen the body’s immune system 
  • Keep excess thirst creating the body dehydrated.
  • Relieve urinary tract infections.
6. Lavender tea

  • Clear digestive issues. Vomiting , nausea, abdominal swelling.
  • Relieve pain from headaches, sprains and tooth aches. 
7. Sunflower tea

  • Helps to fight infections.
  • Protect body against cardiovascular disease 
  • Remedy for sore throat and windpipe inflammation.

Ok then, Let’s have a sip of nature boost❤️
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